Current Values at Grand Isle, Maine 04746 USA


Current Outside Temperature                 Current Outside Humidity                 Current Outside Dewpoint

Current Wind Chill                 Current THW Index                 Current Outside Heat Index

Current Wind Direction         Current Barometer         Current Wind Speed

Outside Temp History    Barometer History

Today's Rain  Storm Rain Total  Current Rain Rate  Monthly Total Rain  Yearly Total Rain

-0.4o F
-3.1o F
SSE at 0.0 mph
30.191 in & Steady
Today's Rain 0.00 in
Rain Rate 0.00 in/hr
Storm Total 0.00 in
Monthly Rain 0.00 in
Yearly Rain 0.90 in
Wind Chill -0.3o F
THW Index -0.3o F
Heat Index -0.4o F

Today's Highs/Lows

Hi Temp.

Lo Temp.

-0.4 F   at   4:11a

-2.2 F   at   12:39a

Hi Humidity

Lo Humidity

89%    at   1:44a

87%   at   12:07a

Hi Dewpoint

Lo Dewpoint

-3.0 F   at   2:35a

-5.0 F  at   12:22a

Hi Wind Speed 0.0 mph   at  ----
Hi Barometer

Lo Barometer

30.193 in   at   1:16a

30.178 in  at   12:06a

Hi Rain Rate 0.00 in/hr   at  ----
Lo Wind Chill -2.0 F   at  12:10a
Hi Heat Index 0.0 F   at   4:11a

To convert Fahrenheit to Centigrade: Subtract 32 from temperature Fahrenheit, then multiply remainder by .555 = temperature C.